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It’s Not About Winning

“What are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles:
which is Christ in you, the hope of glory”
(Colossians 1:27)

When Judy and I disagree, there are 2 directions I can go.

  1. My knee-jerk reaction is to go into the “defend yourself, make three preaching points, and get your way” mode. I often win the argument this way, but it never feels as good as I thought it would. In fact, I feel a little sick inside.

  2. The alternate path I can choose is to give up my rights, listen to her, and determine to love her well as Christ loves the church. I usually lose the argument this way. But it always feels better than winning. In fact, I feel a little euphoric.

How do you explain this?

Because of my new identity as a Christian.

When I trusted in Christ, I became a new creation. I’m not who I use to be; I do not have to act the way I use to act, and I get more pleasure out of doing what Christ would do than doing what the old Ed would have done.

This doesn’t mean that I always do what Christ would do, but it does mean that the new Ed, Christ in me the hope of glory, is only satisfied completely when I’m living out of who I am in Christ.

There’s a big difference between shaming and manipulating people into doing what Christ would do and telling Christians that they don’t have to live the way they use to.

The same difference there is between grace and works.

Grace never fails; works always fail.

When you trusted in Christ, you became a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17)! You were set free from not only the guilt of sin, but its tyranny (Romans 6:14)! The real you, the Jesus life inside you, will never be satisfied with the life you use to live. You now have the power of God within you to live a life only explained by His presence and power.

If you have believed in Jesus, you are not who you use to be.

  • Your life is commingled with Him in inseparable ways.

  • You have the power to resist sin.

  • You have the power to live the life He always wanted to give you and that your redeemed heart longs for.

These are some of the most radical New Testament truth in the Bible. “What are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27)

Leader, do you feel better when you win at all costs or when you lose for the sake of Christ?