
Brenda Konoske Brenda Konoske

War and Peace Prayer Requests

Resist being hooked by self-protection and a need for affection, or you will lose the ability to leverage the power of the gospel to those who need it most.

You can be very close to people in need without forgetting why God sent you to this local church. You can be free to carry the love and care of Jesus far and wide.

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Don’t Do It Alone

I’ve tried my best to write these blogs with church leaders just like you in mind. However, there’s a world of difference between you reading my words and you and I starting a conversation to determine how I can help you best. Your leadership team should not be discouraged and confused. And it’s simply not Jesus’ way that you should feel alone. You can’t do this alone. Let us help you build a leadership team you love serving with and help you become the leader others want to follow.