Welcome to Our Podcast

Recentered on the Word is a weekly podcast featuring the teachings of Shepherd to Shepherds, Ed Underwood. The wide-ranging biblical messages are recorded live at Cannon Beach Conference Center and focus on keeping Jesus at the center while emphasizing how grace works in real life, as demonstrated by God’s Word.

Season one focuses on the incredible book of Acts, where, against all odds, these first Christians gathered in small churches that turned the world upside down for Jesus Christ. Acts records the beginnings of Jesus’ promise that He would build His church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. The ten-part series will finish with a Q&A, during which you’ll learn more about Ed and Recentered Group’s ministry.

Brenda Konoske Brenda Konoske

Episode 3: Birth of the Church

The first day of the church was truly eventful. A mighty wind attracted a huge crowd of devout Jews who heard the disciples miraculously proclaim the wonderful works of God. When Peter explained what they just saw with prophetic precision they were cut to the heart, and 3,000 joined the ranks of the Jerusalem church.

Luke wraps up his account of the birth of the church by describing the everyday life of the first Christians in Jerusalem. The infant church enjoyed a brief period of sweet effectiveness before the onset of persecution from without and division from within. Still totally Jewish but transformed by God's grace, these men and women were enamored with Christ.

Though their growth was amazing, their impact on the city has made Christians of every generation look to their example for clues to effectiveness. What can we learn from them?

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Brenda Konoske Brenda Konoske

Episode 2: Jesus High and Lifted Up

Luke’s sequel to his gospel, the Book of Acts, begins where he left off—the ascension of Christ. The emphasis is different. The Gospel of Luke stresses the work of Christ while He walked on earth; Acts highlights the work of Jesus done by the Holy Spirit through the Apostles.
Without Acts, we would have no record of the beginning and growth of the early church. Luke traces the birth and expansion of the church to strengthen the faith of Theophilus, a fellow Christian who may have helped finance Luke’s missionary and writing ministry (Luke 1:1-4). The Holy Spirit had a much broader audience in mind—the church of Christ throughout the age of grace. Luke’s selective but accurate history of the first 30 years of the church answers Theophilus’ questions in a timeless way.

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Brenda Konoske Brenda Konoske

Episode 1: Acts of the Apostles—Overview

Without Acts, we would have no record of the beginning and growth of the early church. Luke traces the birth and expansion of the church to strengthen the faith of Theophilus, a fellow Christian who may have helped finance Luke’s missionary and writing ministry (Luke 1:1-4). The Holy Spirit had a much broader audience in mind—the church of Christ throughout the age of grace. Luke’s selective but accurate history of the first 30 years of the church answers Theophilus’ questions in a timeless way.

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