Hope for the Weary Leader

It’s a sad truth that most church leaders won’t know how tired and wounded they are until they’re ready to throw their hands up and quit.

  • 50% of pastors admitted that they would quit ministry if they knew they could make a living doing something else.  

  • 70% constantly fight some form of depression. 

  • 90% report they feel inadequately trained to cope with ministry demands. 

I have met with countless pastors who don’t acknowledge the tell-tale signs of toxic environments and damaging blindspots. My plea to them is always the same,You’re not safe, my friend. If you don’t address these issues today, it’s not going to get better. It’s going to get worse. And then, suddenly, you’ll be through.” 

Months, sometimes even weeks later, I hear that they have resigned or their church has split. And every time I hear that news, my heart breaks.

It’s one of Satan’s most effective lies that personal conflicts and disunity amongst leaders will get better if you leave them alone and just keep leading the church and “preaching the Word.”

In the local church today, there are clearly unrecognized problems and, what’s even worse, problems that church leaders do not consider serious enough to look for outside help.

This short ebook will walk you through five important reminders that, if embraced and pursued, will inject sustainable life into your ministry. They’ll give you HOPE.


My Church Health: A Self-Assessment


How Love Transforms Your Leadership Team